Hogwarts Lives

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Hogwarts Lives

A virtual Hogwarts experience. Collaborative writing role play game.

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    Sam Kitchens

    Sam Kitchens
    Sam Kitchens

    Gender : wizard
    Blood Status : blood status is stupid
    Posts : 7
    Galleons : 15
    Join date : 2014-04-11

    .: .

    Sam Kitchens Empty Sam Kitchens

    Post by Sam Kitchens 7th June 2014, 11:57 am

    Full Name: Sam Kitchens

    Lives at:
    Blood: Muggleborn
    Other family: Catherine Kitchens (older sister)
    Other people:

    Eyes: Blue
    Hair: Black
    Height: average
    Appearance: wears glasses

    Personality: cynical, scientifically minded,

    Sam has a strong attachment to his muggle heritage, to the point of identifying more as a muggle than as muggleborn.

    He is determined to drag the Wixen World kicking and screaming into the 21st century.

      Current date/time is 27th July 2024, 11:25 am