Hogwarts Lives

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Hogwarts Lives

A virtual Hogwarts experience. Collaborative writing role play game.

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    Events for the IC Year


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    Join date : 2014-03-24

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    Events for the IC Year Empty Events for the IC Year

    Post by Xan 28th May 2014, 12:04 am

    This is a rough outline of the events for the upcoming in character year.

    The dates are all approximate, obviously they might change if there is more or less interest in the events.

    16 June
    Hogwarts Express available for posting.  First years begin sorting.

    30 June
    Hogwarts Express projected close (dependant on popularity)

    1 July
    Hogwarts Opens. Sorting ceremony/start of year feast.

    1 - 13 July
    Hogwarts Orientation Week.  Peer support enrolment begins.

    7 July
    Hogwarts classes begin

    4 - 17 August
    Yule Celebrations

    15 - 28 September
    Peer Support Program

    27 Oct - 9 Nov
    Hogmeade Fair

    End of year celebrations

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      Current date/time is 27th July 2024, 9:49 am