Hogwarts Lives

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Hogwarts Lives

A virtual Hogwarts experience. Collaborative writing role play game.

Create your first year for the start of term feast on July 1

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    Under Construction


    Gender : undefined
    Posts : 102
    Galleons : 76
    Join date : 2014-03-24

    .: .

    Under Construction Empty Under Construction

    Post by Xan 26th March 2014, 10:46 pm

    You've stumbled across Hogwarts Lives and are probably asking yourself, "what is this place?"

    As you can see, the site is still under construction, but when it's finished, it will be a site where you can create a character who goes to Hogwarts and gets up to shenanigans.  We all like shenanigans, right?  

    It'll be semi-plotted, in that we'll have regular events and threats from the DARKNESS, but your character doesn't have to be involved if you don't want them to be.  Most of the site will be character driven.

    Right now, most of the documentations you need to register a character are up, so if you want to join now you can.  You'll get to watch the site grow, literally.

    Otherwise, don't forget to bookmark us.

      Current date/time is 8th September 2024, 5:33 am