Hogwarts Lives

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Hogwarts Lives

A virtual Hogwarts experience. Collaborative writing role play game.

Create your first year for the start of term feast on July 1

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    A few rules


    Gender : undefined
    Posts : 102
    Galleons : 76
    Join date : 2014-03-24

    .: .

    A few rules Empty A few rules

    Post by Xan 26th March 2014, 3:19 am

    "Don't be a dick" Wil Wheaton, 2007
    "Be excellent to each-other" Bill & Ted, 1989

    This is the standard respect clause.  I think those two quotes say just about everything that needs saying, really.


    Your account name will be the same as your character's name.

    Please register with the name your character ordinarily goes by.

    For example, someone wanting to play Ginevra Molly Weasley would sign up as Ginny Weasley.

    In Character

    When you register, we assume your character is an original student character. 

    If you want them to be something else, such as a canon character or to have special powers, you need to register those things in the claims forum.

    If you want to have a family relationship with an established character, you need to get permission from the player of that character first.

    Regular role play etiquette applies on the forum.  If you don't know what that means, you should read the Introduction to Roleplay guide.

    All threads are assumed open unless otherwise indicated.   

    Site Rating
    c/o Universal RPG Rating

    A few rules L3_s2_v3

    Language 3:
    Objectionable and mature language is permitted.

    Sexual Content 2:
    Sexual content is permitted. References and writing about genitalia and sex acts are permitted, but explicit detail is not. Fade to black is required.

    I don't want to put a crimp in anyone's style, but I have even less desire to get sued because someone's underage kid read or wrote a sex scene on the internet.  So fade to black, people!

    Violence 3:
    Extreme violence is permitted.

    Technical Details

    Don't change the colour of your text in RP posts, as when I change the skin, your text might become impossible to read.

    The maximum avatar size is 150 x 200 px.

    The maximum signature size is 500 x 300 px.


    Advertising is only permitted in the advertising forums.

      Current date/time is 8th September 2024, 5:42 am